Basics of Transformer


Basic Transformer Construction

          Transformer is static device which converts one electrical energy to another electrical energy (voltage/current) by means of flux without change in frequency.

Working Principal-
          Transformer works on the principal of Faradays law of “Mutual Induction” Which States that “When two electrically isolated coils place near to each other and energy voltage/current flowing through the coil. An flux produce in primary coil and that fluxed which are sinusoidal in nature cut by secondary coil and EMF is induced in secondary coil.

Basic Construction-

          Transformer has following main three parts namely as “primary coil, core, secondary coil” primary and secondary coil are mounted on same core but electrically separated from each other.

          In Electrical Engineering the most famous transformers are “Step UP and Step Down” and these are under category of Voltage Level.

Step Up Transformer-

          The Transformer which converts low voltage level into higher voltage level without change in frequency. and its depends on turns ration of windings.
In step up transformer Primary coil has lover turns than Secondary coil. Secondary coil has more turns than primary coil. And both the coils are mounted on same core.

Application-  At the starting of primary distribution.

Step Down Transformer-

          The Transformer which converts Higher voltage level into Lover voltage level without change in frequency. and its depends on turns ration of windings.
In step up transformer Primary coil has Higher turns than Secondary coil. Secondary coil has Lover turns than primary coil. And both the coils are mounted on same core.

These transformer’s are widely used Distribution level and household Appliances.

Auto Transformer-
Auto Transformer

          The Auto transformer is an special type of transformer Which is used to apply variable output voltages. The voltage variation from 0volts to desired capacity of transformer.
Construction of these transformer is somewhat different than conventional transformer.

Current Transformer-
Basic Current Transformer

          Current Transformers are basically the special type of transformers which are used in Monitoring of current Flowing throve the system.
          These transformers has only one winding which acts as secondary coil of transformer and the live conductor acts primary of the transformer.
          As pre the turns of secondary winding the current is step down in prescribe limit and that current is advisable for control system.




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