• What is Substation?

A substation is an important part of Electric power system. Substation performs many operations like voltage Step-up & Step-Down, measurement of electric quantities, controlling,…., etc.
A substation is an assembly of many electric components connected in series or parallel at one specified distance for stepping up or stepping Down the electrical quantities and measurement and controlling of electric quantities.
It may include power generation substation, Power transmission substation And power Distribution Substation.

  • Main Components of Substation

Ø Power transformer
Ø Circuit breaker
Ø Isolator
Ø Lighting Arrestor
Ø Relay
Ø Capacitor bank
Ø Earthing
Ø Bus-Bar
Ø Instrument Transformer
Ø Conductors & insulators

1.    Power Transformer

Transformer is a static device which is used to step-up or step-down the voltage level without change in frequency”, this is a basic definition of the transformer.
Power transformer in substation either step-up type or step down type. In the case of generation substation or transmission substation Step-up type transformer used. And in case of distribution type substation step-down type transformer used.

2.    Circuit breaker

The circuit breaker is a protection device which is used to break or make the circuit manually or automatically in case of fault or maintenance in the substation.
There are various types of Circuit Breakers available n market and categories as per voltages and current breaking capacity.

Ø Air circuit breaker
Ø Vacuum circuit breaker
Ø Oil circuit breaker
Ø SF6 circuit breaker

3.    Isolator

The isolator is a manual switch used to isolate the faulty section or used during maintenance. It is an important part of the substation. It is also called disconnector or disconnector switch.
there are two types of isolators.
    a.     Single break isolator.
    b.    Double break isolator.

4.    Lightning Arrestors

Lightning arrestor name itself gives it's working that it protects from high voltage surges from a lightning stroke. This is the most important part of substation these are installed between line and Earth near to equipment.

5.    Relay

         Relays are the most crucial part of substation equipment protection system or power system protection, basically “relay is a sensing element which senses any type of abnormal signal which is not in the prescribed limit.

6.    Capacitor Bank

      The capacitor is used in the substation to provide reactive power to accomplish the active power of the circuit. And also used to improve the Power Factor ( PF )of the circuit. It is a series-parallel combination of capacitors.

7.    Earthing

The main motive of earthing is to ground the leakage current or voltage should dispatch to ground. For the safety purpose of the operating person is a substation we need to provide effective, durable and a dependable earthing is required in a substation.

8.    Bus-Bar

The bus-bar are the conductors connected two adjacent equipment in the substation. When current is wary high
There are two types of bus-bar used on outdoor substation
Ø Rigid type ( pipes ).
Ø Strain type ( overhead system wire strung ).

9.    Instrument Transformer
CT and PT

Instrument transformer is the special type of transformer used for the metering purpose and has very high accuracy. Current Transformer ( CT ) and Voltage Transformer ( VT ) are Instrument Transformer.

a.    Current Transformer
Connected in series with the system. CT is used to measure the higher current in sample low quantity of same high current. This CT is highly calibrated and has high accuracy.  
b.    Potential transformer
PT are connected in parallel in a system and measures the high voltage into sample low voltage of that high voltage. It is similar to CT.

10.                       Insulator
The insulator is the equipment’s which isolate the live part art from the non-live part and also supports the overhead conductors to the hang in the atmosphere.
Insulators are mostly used as Support at the end section or between anybody which is directly connected to live conductors.


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