Basics of Electrical Motor

  Basics Of Electrical Motor

What is an Electric Motor?

Ans: An Electric Motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.


An Motor is made of basically in two parts Namely as
a)    Stator
b)   Rotor
A stator is a stationary part of the motor and Rotor is rotating part of the motor.
The stator is again subdivided into the following parts

1)   Yoke
2)   Poles
3)   Filed winding
The rotor is subdivided into the following parts

1)   Shaft
2)   Armature
3)   Armature Winding
4)   Commutator

Working Principal

An electric motor works on the principle of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. Which states that “Whenever a current carrying conductor is a place in the magnetic field, a flux is induced in the circuit,  due to which a current starts to flow which is called induced current”.

How to Find Direction Of Rotation Of Rotor?

A left hand can be held, as shown in the illustration, so as to represent three mutually orthogonal axes on the thumb, forefinger and middle finger. Each finger is then assigned to a quantity (mechanical force, magnetic field, and electric current). The right and left hand are used for generators and motors respectively

Types of Motors

          Motors are basically divided into two types
A)  AC motors
B)  DC motors
C)  special type of Motors

AC Motors

AC motors also known as Induction Motors followings are the main types of induction motor
1)   Squirrel cage induction motor
2)   Slip ring Induction Motor
3)   Synchronous Motor

DC Motors

1)   Permanent magnet (Permanent magnet stator),
2)   Electromagnets connected in series (Wound stator),
3)   Shunt (Wound stator), or
4)   Compound (Wound stator).

Hopefully, Above information is helpful to all readers.


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